Friday, January 2, 2009

The First Step

Let’s take this set by step. It’s just like building Lincoln Logs when you were a kid. You start with the foundation, right?

Ok the foundation is your script. It may be a couple of pages long, so read it over a few times. Get to know it, like an actor knowing his script.

I had just finished updated training on long distance plans to existing business customers. I put an existing business customer on a better long distance plan. As I was finishing the call, she complimented me, saying that she appreciated someone not using a script. I thanked her. Little did she know!

Normally a customer service company will allow you to improvise on the script, as long as you tell the truth and stick to the company’s talking points. There will probably be sales attached to the customer service you provide. This is especially true concerning telecom companies, which is my expertise. You will be expected to sell.

The First Monday Morning

The first thing is to remember to breathe. Your trainer taught you well. You just now have to find your own style when talking to a customer. This is the fastest way to success. The quicker you find it, the shorter your learning curve.

So, You Just Completed Training...Now What?

Get together on the last Friday of training with the rest of your class, and go out and celebrate!